Hurricane Ida

Ladies and Gentlemen:
As Ida approaches, we want to confirm the Covenant Home shall shelter in place.
For those family members new to Covenant, a bit of history may be helpful:
– Covenant Home sheltered in place for Hurricane Katrina.
– The facility endured no damage.
– Water in the streets did not reach the facility for miles.
– We had full electrical power and utilities (telephone, water and gas).
– We finally left the Wednesday after the storm due to the criminal outbreak.
Since Katrina, we have installed numerous safety measures (hurricane windows in the dining room, roll downs in the library and front lobby) including an updated higher powered generator (which services the ENTIRE facility including ten rooftop HVAC systems) and new roof.
Covenant Home sits on the ‘sliver on the river’ and flooding, although always possible, is less of a threat.
The physical and mental damage residents endure during an evacuation is well documented. It is our utmost desire to minimize this damage and stay in place whenever possible.
In previous emails, and in our hurricane fact sheet distributed in July 2021,
We have listed the phone numbers, email contact information and text numbers to staff for your use.   (504) 400-3141 and (504) 952-1881 are generally the best numbers to reach us at.  Please keep in mind to allow us time to respond since we are focusing on residents.
Thank you for your support and prayers.